Not easy to find components domestic-Challenges and opportunities
Join 5 times supporting industry exhibition, but still can not find the satellite business is the case of Toyota Vietnam (TMV), now has sales of passenger cars in Vietnam today.
At Exhibition Vietnam - Japan 5th of supporting industries which took place in Hanoi, TMV has a gallery of products looking for suppliers in the areas of welding, stamping, casting, plastic or rubber details. However, as well as exhibiting other times, once searching "satellite" to the production of TMV has not brought results.
Toyota Vietnam is now the production localization rate is high. Photo: Ha Thanh
Share with reporters Investments, representing TMV said, in the context of the small market size, production of spare parts for cars are not large, so virtually auxiliary industry of Vietnam has not developed. Facing that situation, with the desire for sustainable development in Vietnam, in order to increase the localization rate, besides the efforts to call the supplier of Toyota spare parts on investment in Vietnam, TMV has had to conduct two parallel types of investments. That investment increasing production assembly and parts manufacturing investments at its factory.
By bringing the stamping shop, chassis shop and localization centers in operation, as well as search efforts to expand its network of domestic suppliers, manufacturers TMV is the localization rate quite high. Total components of TMV has localization for all current models up to 253 components and is offered by 18 suppliers of spare parts, including domestic and foreign.
However, all providers of TMV existing spares are not the face is detected through periodic auxiliary industry exhibition, where TMV as a buyer expose those who like to buy to find the seller, especially right now in Vietnam.
This fact also shows that the ability to satisfy the domestic enterprises in supporting industry continues to be a major challenge in retaining the well-known manufacturers.
Mr. Lam Chi Quang, General Director of the company movers and agricultural machinery, investors accounted for 30% investment in TMV said, raising the localization rate is an objective requirement of any state Contracting desire automobile industry development. Moreover, a high proportion of local content will also generate employment, the acquisition of technical and high technology, thereby developing human resources and contribute to reducing the trade deficit. Car manufacturers are also eager to get power supply components in Vietnam, to reduce costs and be more active in production.
But the localization and development of supporting industry is also easy to recognize weaknesses of Vietnam automobile industry after nearly 20 years of development. Based on themselves to localize the details and components is actually happening in the automotive business with major localization rate, as Toyota Vietnam, Truong Hai and Xuan Kien.
At the premiere of the new model for the automotive market, information, answers to questions familiar "vehicle localization rate how" the media always make people interested in the industry Car disappointed, because too small. Not only that, the number of imported CBU cars was introduced in Vietnam market continued to rise, while milestones fully integrated with ASEAN (2018) are increasingly being reduced.
In the opinion of Mr. Chainarong Limpkittisin, CEO Reed Tradex, the organizer of a series of events to support industry in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is facing huge competition from neighboring countries neighbors like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, because they also have the same advantage.
"Vietnam needs to further improve infrastructure, as well as more liberal policies, it could attract new foreign capital flows," said Chainarong Limpkittisin recommended.
With Investment Newspaper